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2.Wenyi Ren, Yan Nie, Xuan Xiong, Cui Zhang, Yan Zhou et al. Enhancing and broadening absorption properties of frequency selective surfaces absorbers using FeCoB-based thin film, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07E703 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.3670980
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4.Yong Zhi Cheng, Ying Wang, Yan Nie, Rong Zhou Gong, Xuan Xiong et al. Design, fabrication and measurement of a broadband polarization insensitive metamaterial absorber based on lumped elements, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 044902 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.3684553
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10.Zhangqi Liao, Yan Nie, Wenyi Ren, Xian Wang, and Rongzhou Gong, Effect of FeCoB-SiO2-film-based Fractal Frequency Selective Surface on the Absorption Properties of Microwave Absorbers,IEEE Magnetics Letters,2010
11.Lu Wang, Tao Wang, Yan Nie and Rongzhou Gong, Synthesis design of metamaterial absorbers using a genetic algorithmSignals Systems and Electronics (ISSSE), 2010
12.C.C. Xiang, Y. Nie, Z.K.Feng, R. ZH.Gong, Y. Zhou, Low-loss magneto-dielectric materials for microwave antenna miniaturization application, 11th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Qingdao, Sept. 2010
13.Zhangqi Liao,Rongzhou Gong, Yan Nie, Tao Wang, Xian Wang. Absorption enhancement of fractal frequency selective surface absorbers by using microwave absorbing material based substrates, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2011,9(3):287-294
14.Yong Zhi Cheng, He Lin Yang, Yan Nie, Rong Zhou Gong, Zheng Ze Cheng, Investigation of negative index properties of planar metamaterials based on split-ring pairs,Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, (2011) 103: 989-994
15.Luo Hao, Wang Tao, Gong Rongzhou,Nie Yan, WANG Xian, Extending the Bandwidth of Electric Ring Resonator Metamaterial Absorber,Chin. Phys. Lett. 28(3) (2011) 034204
16.Zhangqi Liao, Tao Wang, Yan Nie, Xian Wang, Rongzhou Gong, Numerical Study on A Designable Linear-resonant Multiband Single-layer Fractal Frequency-selective Surface, Physics Review E, 2010
17.Yan Nie, Zekun Feng, Huahui He, Air cavity - flaky alloy powder - rubber composite sheets for electromagnetic wave absorption applications, International Conference of Microwave Magnetics 2008 (ICMM2008), Fort Collins, CO, September (oral presentation)
18.Nie Y., He H.H., Feng Z.K., Zhang X.C., and Cheng X.M., Microwave characterization of (Co,Zn)2W barium hexagonal ferrite particles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2006, 303(2): e423–e427
19.Nie Y., He H.H., Zhao Z.S., Gong R.Z., and Yu H.B., Preparation, surface modification and microwave characterization of magnetic iron fibers, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2006, 306(1): 125-129
20.Nie Y., He H.H., Gong R.Z., and Zhang X.C., The electromagnetic characteristics and design of mechanically-alloyed Fe-Co particles for electromagnetic wave absorber, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2007, 310: 13-17
Email: nieyan@mail.hust.edu.cn